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Wednesday, December 31, 2014


On December 24th, 2014, Brian Swing was picked up by his cousin and taken to his flat, Leopard's Court to stay over for three nights as it was the festive period, but, on that first night the ileostomy went wrong and failed to empty out completely.
Partial ileostomy obstruction had set in, but, to begin with was very minor, the only sign being a full feeling felt by the man himself.

That very first night the stoma stopped completely - no output until the next morning.

Come the following morning, the stoma started to unclog.

Brian Swing had his breakfast, but didn't want his toast because the retention made him very full up even though it wasn't that big.

The Ileostomy continued to free itself throughout the day, but, only half of the job was done by the time the man was invited over to one of his cousin's houses for the festive meal. Despite this Brian Swing tolerated the large helping of food very well, for he had to go through two bowls of soup, a large festive meal of turkey, Brussel sprouts, the lot, plus Christmas pudding and tiramisu desert and much more.

However the man himself had to spend a penny all the time in the house because of his stoma.

Later that night the the job of unblocking the Ileostomy was  done, but only 90% unblocked.

The next day the stoma malfunctioning started all over again, with it operating at only 50% of it's normal capacity.

Brian Swing slept on a Put - U - Up bed, a settee that opened out in to a bed.
The bed was in the man's cousin's study where he kept his computer and other essentials.
Being a makeshift bed it was no where near as good as a proper bed.
Brian also brought his laptop, tablet and other pill computers with him, but, most of the time watched television and, whilst he was staying was helped to some mince pies, nuts, crisps, plus other foods.

On the day Brian went home he had his last meal - breakfast, but, to start off with he had cereal, followed by a full English breakfast, but couldn't finish the whole lot due to the obstruction which meant that the Ileostomy failed to empty, meaning that the residue of previous meals piled up inside his body as it failed to exit through the stoma, making him nauseous. Luckily he didn't throw up. 
However, on the way home the blockage came undone and the sickness went away, so, by the time the man returned home he ended up with a very large output. However, despite this the blockage was far from being undone, and, for the part of the day the man struggled. it came to a head when he had to phone  the 'out of hours' doctor because he was in dire straits.
The doctor said that he should go straight to 
A and E as it was an emergency. He tried to phone the computer cab, but the operator didn't respond to his call, so he tried to ring the 
dial - a - car, but, no,

"Wrong number.

As a last resort Brian went downstairs and summoned the carer who then had to phone the taxi, she then told him to get out his money, but, with so many bags inside his bag he couldn't find it and mistakenly thought he left it back in his flat so had to go up and get it, but it wasn't there. After all it was in his bag, so he shut the door, but forgot to take his bag with him and had to return to his flat to get it, right at the time the taxi arrived and had to wait for him whilst he collected all his belongings.
he was in such a muddle that he couldn't get everything done right.

At last the man made his way into the taxi and, on arrival at hospital he made his way into 
A and E and told one of the staff behind the counter who then had to jot down all the details - the year in which Brian was born and that. Once done he was directed to the Majors waiting room where he had to wait until his name was called.
He had his blood test and returned to Majors where he had to wait to see the doctor who examined him and  told him that there could be some abdominal weakness and had to have a stomach X - ray just to make sure that everything worked out right , then back to Majors. 

Whilst waiting at the hospital the blockage started to come undone, but, one result of the blockage was a misshapen stoma, where it prolapsed a little and curled over at the top.

Two hours later the stoma unblocked completely, by the time one of the surgeons saw him and said that it was fine. She gave the go -  ahead for him to have a follow - up appointment by one of the doctors in two weeks time and he was discharged.
Soon after this an ambulance was booked to take Brian home and was directed to a wheelchair where he had to sit until the time came for him to be collected by ambulance and taken home.
He got home by 23.45.

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