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Friday, December 5, 2014


Once a time a man was given his fish and chips and tucked into it straight away. He ate and he ate and just couldn’t stop eating. In fact, he ate far too much that his body swelled up and burst, with such violence, that he exploded like a bomb and all the food shot out.
The food that shot out from the man’s body when he burst open flew right across the room and ended up on peoples’ faces. This immediately put them off their food.
The burst tenant got taken to hospital and closed up .
Because of what happened doctors warned the man not to eat or drink for the rest of his life because of the risk he could explode again, even risk death, so he had to instead be put on a drip.
For the rest of his life the man kept on craving for food but was forbidden to eat and drink because eating and drinking could cause him to blow up and burst. In fact the frustration led to him attacking restaurants because he saw people dining, something that was virtually impossible for him to do.
One day he attacked a tenant all because he was having a meal.
One of the staff saw what happened and had to move him to a care home.
The man denied food and drink for the rest of his life even told diners to drop dead.
One day he went on the rampage and threw stones at a Tesco store all because it sold food, and on one occasion pushed two people over when they came out of the shop with food in their shopping baskets. the police had to be called and the man sent back to his care home, and banned from shopping because he had a hatred for people who ate and drank, blaming them for him being denied food, but they had nothing to do with it, it was the body explosion that led to him being banned from eating and drinking by the hospital doctors.
In the care home the man had to be kept away from the dining room for fear he could attack anyone who was busy eating.

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