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Thursday, May 24, 2012


The story starts on the day Bernard Tiswoman was admitted to Ramsden Hall School.

On arrival at his new boarding school Bernard Tiswoman was told by the headmaster that he would have to wait at least six weeks before he could go home on weekend leave.
This was to get him settled in.

For the first six weeks any new boy, as was always the case, would have to reside at boarding school before it was decided that it was time for him to go home on weekend leave.

Six weeks later Bernard Tiswoman was still at boarding school, but, because the half term holiday was less than two weeks away, he would then have to wait until after the holiday.

The school half term began on Friday and lasted until the following Wednesday.
However because the day he was due to go home was only two days away he would then have to wait until the following week as two days after the first day back at school was too soon to go home on weekend leave.

Come Friday November 15th it was tim e for Bernard Tiswoman to go home on weekend leave, but because it was to be his first weekend leave at Ramsden Hall the headmaster decided that his father should come and collect him. This was to get him used  to going home on weekend leave. Then once everything was alright he could go home by himself.

The head announced that Bernie Tiswoman would be collected by his dad at 6.30pm.
He would of cause have to wait in the entrance hall.

But, Bernie defied the head's orders and made his own way home.

It only came to light when Bernard Tiswoman's dad turned up  at Ramsden Hall and found that he wasn't there when he should have been, so he summoned the head teacher in his office to find out what had happened to his son Bernie Tiswoman.

"I came to collect my son and found that he had gone.

"Right' said Mr Fearnley, I am afraid he has done a runner, when he should have been waiting for you to collect him and take him home on weekend leave.

"What is that boy playing at said the headmaster?

He think's he can do what he like's. I'm afraid he can't, he has to abide by the rules.

Running off like that is a serious breach of the school law.

Right now said the head I'm  going to send out a search party to go and look for him.
We'll be given torches as it is so dark outside."

The search soon commenced, with both teachers and the boys searching the building and the school grounds but couldn't find any trace of the missing boy.

"I'll have to call the police said the headmaster to go and find that boy.
He can't get away with it running off like that.
Who does he think he is?
I know one thing, he's going to get what for when he come's back.
he's nothing but trouble".

The police  with specially trained police dogs searched the area but no trace found of missing Ramsden Hall schoolboy Bernard Tiswoman.

In the end Bernie's dad made his way home and what a surprise he got when he arrived at 17 Southwood Gardens, for sitting at the dining room table eating his Lokshen was his son Bernie Tiswoman.

"I've been looking for you, for when I arrived at school I found that you had gone."

Bernie's dad phoned Mr Fearnley. He replied and said:

"I'm afraid your son is going to have his weekend leave suspended for the rest of the term for defying the rules that he must wait until his dad come's and collect's him.

"He made his own way home without my permission and should have waited in the entrance hall to be collected at 6.30pm."

Come Sunday it was time to go back, and when Bernie did finally get back to Ramsden Hall his dad told Mr Little the deputy head about what happened, defying the head's orders that he must wait until he's collected.
Whilst Bernard Tiswoman's dad was having a conversation with the teacher Bernie raised a commotion.
He bawled, yelled and cried. 
When Bernie's dad left through the front door Bernie tried to escape but was held back by Mr Little.

For his punishment the unruly boy was told to change into nightwear.

Next day Bernie was standing in the entrance, but got a shock announcement, for  the headmaster appeared and said to him:

"No more weekends for you".
He cried when he was told that his weekend leave had been stopped for the rest of the term.

Before long Bernard Tiswoman got used to the idea that couldn't go home on weekend leave until next term.

The first weekend at boarding school since suspension of weekend leave went smoothly.

Next term it was decided that Bernie could go home on weekend leave now that he had learned his lesson.

At first weekend leave would be once a fortnight to start off with, and if all went well then he could go home every week.

Because of the strict rules laid out by the headteacher, any breach of these rules could result in suspension of weekend leave.

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